About Us
In 2017, the Ministry of Mental Health and Addiction’s Overdose Emergency Response Centre (OERC) and the Community Action Initiative (CAI) began support for the development of Community Action Teams (CATs) in response to the toxic drug supply crisis.
Delta Community Action Team was established in 2018 to address the local toxic drug supply crisis and promote substance use prevention through partnerships. We currently are comprised of multiple community partners from Delta and our work is informed and led by Delta residents who are People with Lived and Living Experience (PWLLE) with substance use.
We strive to achieve the following objectives:
Unite the community to identify and tackle the root causes of substance use and overcome obstacles to obtaining support, such as stigma against individuals who use drugs.
Identify and address social issues related to substance use
Organize and provide information to community agencies to prevent, delay, and reduce substance use
Promote mental wellbeing and social connection in the community
Promote a strong, healthy, and resilient Delta
Our Members
People with Lived and Living Substance Use Experience | City of Delta | Delta Chamber of Commerce | Government of BC | Delta Police | Delta School District | Fraser Health Authority | Divisions of Practice | Tsawwassen First Nation | Fraser Region Aboriginal Friendship Centre Association | Deltassist | Little House Alcohol & Drug Recovery Society | Phoenix Society | Moms Stop the Harm | Delta Kids | Dan’s Legacy | Canadian Mental Health Association | Boys and Girls Club of BC | The Delta Seniors Planning Team | Mobile Response Team | Fraser Region Aboriginal Friendship Society | South Asian Health Institute | Options BC